Thursday, June 16, 2011

a blog by a doll.

Hello, there. It's me, Cali. It's been so long since I've last written in this lovely blog, and boy, does it feel good to be back! I miss writing, posting photos, and just feeling involved. This blog has meant so much to me these past two years, and I hope I can continue with it.
As you probably already noticed, this blog is no longer called "Crazy for Cali". I decided to change the name because I have changed and this blog is going to change with me. I hope you enjoy my new-and-improved blog and the new-and-improved me. I haven't changed drastically, but I'm definitely not the same Cali that wrote in this blog five months ago. Not only do I miss writing in here, I also miss reading all of your blogs! I guess I have a whole lot of reading to catch up on this summer, but I am eagerly up for it.
Thanks for reading, and please check back soon for more updates and posts. I hope everyone's having a splendid summer filled with fun, sun, and adventure! I think I'm going to convince Sunny to help me make some lemonade now. What's summertime without a icy glass of pink lemonade and the newest American Girl catalogue?



  1. Cali!!!!!!
    I'm so glad to see you blogging again! I missed hearing from you!
    Have a great summer, and I'm looking forward to some new posts.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm glad you are back and I still love your very pretty blog. :)

  4. oh man! I'm so glad you're back. and welcome back!

  5. Hey Cali,

    Thanks for stopping by our blog! We followed the link to check yours out too, and it looks really interesting. We look forward to reading more.

    The Green Girls

    (By the way, our guardian is really curious if you're part of an AGPT member's family, and if so, which one? If you don't mind saying.)

  6. Hey Cali, glad your back!


  7. Hi, Cali!
    You have probably heard of me before, but I am Sabine's best American friend. My name is Lillian Poullian, but please call me Lilly. :)
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. I'm glad you like the layout.
    Don't be nervous- 8th grade is fun. You are like the seniors of middle school, haha.
    Lilly <3

  8. Will you ever post again ? :(
