Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dreaming of Summer...

Even here in sunny Florida, winter can get boring and depressing. I mean, school is back in session (ick!), the weather is warm but not warm enough for swimming or going to the beach, and there's no fun holidays to look forwards to, other than Valentine's Day which isn't until mid February. So, yeah, I'm pretty bored. Okay, really bored. Other than massive loads of algebra homework and an essay on the anatomy of the human brain, my school life has been pretty boring, as well. I can't wait for the Valentine's Day Ball and I can't wait for summer vacation even more. But, I can't speed up time. I guess I'll go finish up my essay. :(

To get you in the summer mood I included a picture of Julie by Sunny's sunflowers. Bye!


P.S.: If you haven't checked out our YouTube channel yet, there's a link under our RELATED LINKS that will bring you to it. Right now we have 2 videos up. Okay, bye...for real this time!


  1. I love the photo! The colours are so warm and summery.

    It's torrentially raining least that's closer to summer than a blizzard. :P


  2. Beautiful really makes me miss summer! It's so cold and dreary here.
