Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunny's Doll Shelf

Over the weekend, Sunny's dad built her a big shelf for all of her dolls and her sister's dolls. It took a long time, but Sunny's dad finally mounted it on the wall and it looks so cool! Can you see me on the bottom shelf on the right??? I'm wearing my favorite purple sweater, a green skirt and violet-colored boots. Rebecca's standing with Samantha and Nellie...ugh! How does she even like them?
Sunny has a total of 10 dolls. Her sister has 6. Sunny's dad might be building another shelf in Sunny's sister's room so Sunny can have room for future dolls :-P!

I'm finally feeling better. I had to stay home from school yesterday and today, but Sunny says I'm well enough to go back tomorrow! I can't wait to see all my friends. I can wait, however, to make up all that stuff I missed while I was sick! :-( Bye!



  1. Cool! I see you. It must look cool looking at Sunny's room.

  2. Awesome Cali! All of the doll look mah-velous in that picture! ;D

    Rebecca Rubin

  3. Hey Cali!
    that is an amazing shelf! My complements to Sunny's dad :D I love how there's more or less a historical shelf, and a Just Like You shelf. I wonder if Rebecca's becoming good friends with Samantha and Nellie.....

  4. You have a lot of dolls! I have 5. I listed their names on my blog. That is a very cool shelf! I am glad that you are better!
